Sunday, March 13, 2011

Short Stack!

I love the way he 'squinched' up his little toes!

I just wanted to take a break to kiss him!
Is he seriously signing I love you!? Too sweet!

He looks super proud of himself here, so strong!

I finally had the opportunity to take some pictures of my good friend's precious little boy this past week! It has been fun, knowing each other since before she was married, now wondering if her little boy would look like her or her husband! I knew he'd be cute(both of his parents are), and I knew he'd be strong(his Mommy works out a lot, it is bound to be in the genes!!!), but, he is really, really strong! He holds his head up already so well, and finds cute ways to prop up on his arms! So adorable! He has some great facial expressions, and is so alert already! And, I like when babies find my tone deaf singing voice soothing, so double kudos to you, Precious Baby Stack!!!! As my motto goes....warthogs, babies, and chaos!!! Proud of you sweet friend! He is absolutely perfect!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Beautiful blue eyed baby girl!

I had the privilege this weekend of taking some newborn pictures of a seriously precious little girl! I have never seen a baby that didn't fuss for a photo shoot!! She was an absolute doll, with the biggest blue eyes ever! Here are just a few of adorable "M"!!! Can't wait to see you guys again!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A baby boy is on the way!

She is one stunning Mommy!

Such a precious belly!

On most likely the windiest day in the history of Tucson, one gorgeous pregnant lady and I headed to downtown Tucson on a mission! (Yes, we also brought her sweet husband along, and he was a great sport about it!!!) I have to say, this was probably the most fun I've had on a maternity shoot! We ran into a weird carnival of sorts, crashed a wedding, and braved some crazy winds! She was absolutely stunning! Only a few weeks to go, and she'll be a proud Mommy to a precious little boy!!!!!! Congratulations and Good Luck to You, N!!!!!