Thursday, August 2, 2012

Where did my baby go??

That is my baby boy.  My life.  My whole heart.  I remember asking my Mama the night he was born, as I held him for the first time..."How long do I get to hold him like this, until he doesn't want me to hold him anymore?" and she told me "Oh, Windy, you have all kinds of time."  Only, I didn't.  He'll still let me hold him, and  he holds my hand, but he is not here right now.  He is in school.  REAL school...Kindergarten.  Dropping him off this morning was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.  And the most exciting.  I remember how much I loved school.  He will, too.  He is so smart.  And sweet. And honest.  He has a special, special place in my heart.  After all, so many times, it's been just the two of us.  I went through most of my pregnancy with his Daddy across the ocean.  So, we'd 'talk'.  I'd play music and he'd dance in my belly.  He was born, and was the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on.  So serious.  Taking everything in.  He is still that way. His Daddy deployed a couple of times, and we've had a lot of time together.  I'm fortunate enough to stay home with him and my daughter.  We have the chance to wake up and go swimming, or to the zoo, or the museum, or the park.  We've had such a fun 6 years.  SIX YEARS...Where on earth did that time go?  My job has been to get him ready, and he is ready for this.  I'm not.  I want to snuggle, and play, and go to McDonald's to climb and slide and  have ice cream.  And we'll do those things, all after 1:55.  But, today, my baby boy, my big, big baby boy, is busy MOVING MOUNTAINS!!!