Thursday, August 2, 2012

Where did my baby go??

That is my baby boy.  My life.  My whole heart.  I remember asking my Mama the night he was born, as I held him for the first time..."How long do I get to hold him like this, until he doesn't want me to hold him anymore?" and she told me "Oh, Windy, you have all kinds of time."  Only, I didn't.  He'll still let me hold him, and  he holds my hand, but he is not here right now.  He is in school.  REAL school...Kindergarten.  Dropping him off this morning was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.  And the most exciting.  I remember how much I loved school.  He will, too.  He is so smart.  And sweet. And honest.  He has a special, special place in my heart.  After all, so many times, it's been just the two of us.  I went through most of my pregnancy with his Daddy across the ocean.  So, we'd 'talk'.  I'd play music and he'd dance in my belly.  He was born, and was the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on.  So serious.  Taking everything in.  He is still that way. His Daddy deployed a couple of times, and we've had a lot of time together.  I'm fortunate enough to stay home with him and my daughter.  We have the chance to wake up and go swimming, or to the zoo, or the museum, or the park.  We've had such a fun 6 years.  SIX YEARS...Where on earth did that time go?  My job has been to get him ready, and he is ready for this.  I'm not.  I want to snuggle, and play, and go to McDonald's to climb and slide and  have ice cream.  And we'll do those things, all after 1:55.  But, today, my baby boy, my big, big baby boy, is busy MOVING MOUNTAINS!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

6 months old and perfect!

I love, love, love 6 months old babies!  They are at that cute stage when their expressions are so sincere, their favorite snack is their toes, and everything is so new!  It is just fun!  This little girl warmed up in one second, and smiled the whole time!  These are the babies that make my job just!!!!  She was a blast eating her first sucker - I love that sticky face!!  Thank you, baby N, for a fun Sunday afternoon!

Snow Angel!!

Finally, snow on the mountain, and a day with great friends and no children!  How does that happen??  We started with make up at In Your Facial inside Studio S with Jill - she is AMAZING!!  Mad props, Jill!!!!  You are an artist!  Then, we hit the slopes!  I LOVE this girl!  She is southern, makes a mean sweet tea and banana pudding, is one of the sweetest people I know, AND is incredibly sexy!  I will save the really sexy ones for her hubby, but have to share what an absolutely gorgeous woman she is!  Thank you for the opportunity to photograph you and for a day of fun!  Looking forward to many more, my beautiful, beautiful friend!  xoxox

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Baby Claire on the Way!

What a way to start a weekend!  I had so much fun with this new friend!  What a beautiful glow! She is in love with her baby girl on the way, and with her Alma Mater!  It was so much fun learning the history of The University of Arizona, and hear about her time there!  What a beautiful campus!  What is it about being on a college campus that opens the floodgates of memories?  The buildings, the bikes, that feeling of freedom and the unknown!  What perfect place for a maternity shoot!  The world is at your feet, sweet baby Claire!  You have a sweet heart Mama who is going to love you rotten!  Can't wait to meet you! 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Gorgeous lady "J"!

Ok, so I don't have to go on and on about how beautiful this friend is.  Look at her, she is gorgeous.  But, she is so much more than that.  She is sweet, she is kind, she is a great mother, she is smart, she is strong, she is a great listener, she is a FABULOUS aesthetician, and a great friend!  We had so much fun doing these boudoir portraits!  She was game to brave a crisp Tucson morning, and was so creative and comfortable.  She made my job easy.  I am overjoyed to have met this woman, and I know there are fun, great things in store for her!  Thank you, sweet "J"!  You are truly beautiful!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Welcome, Baby "W"!

This sweet family is special to me.  They value family.  They are so welcoming and loving, and it is so great seeing them welcome this new, precious little one into their lives!  Their little boy turned one just after his sister was born.  What beautiful children.  You can see for yourself!  Babies are such magical little creatures.  The way they smell, the sounds they make, the way they just seem to cuddle up and fit so perfectly under your chin or on your chest for a nap.  Magical!   Congratulations, sweet, sweet family, on the birth of your beautiful little princess! 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Little Man "E"!!!!!

I can't believe this precious little man is already one! It feels like just yesterday I was taking this family's maternity pictures, and now he is ONE! This is one adorable child! He is always in a great mood, and the only time I have seen him cry, he was still smiling! (probably because I gave him cake!!!!) Happy Birthday, big boy!!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Playgroups, babies, and families!

I had some really fun indoor sessions last month! Some were families, a couple of newborn babies (one very special to me, baby S!!!) and a great playgroup hosted by a sweet and true friend!! Looking forward to the next one!!!